Policy Excesses
As with all insurance policies, there are excesses which apply for each risk / insured peril under the policy; the policy excess which apply under the current property insurance policy are as follows;
In the event that loss or damage to your property is caused from a communal source (e.g. from the roof or from a soil stack) Bombay Wharf Management Limited will cover the cost of the policy excess from the general Service Charge.
If however the loss or damage to your property is caused by a third party (e.g. your neighbour) or by your failure to keep your property in a good state of repair and condition, Bombay Wharf Management Limited will not cover the cost of the policy excess from the general Service Charge nor will it become involved in establishing liabilities; most typically in this instance, the policy excess will be covered either by the claimant or by the person who has caused the loss or damage to your property.